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Our sustainability work

Our values; simple, responsible and caring guide us in our sustainability work. For us, it is important to have a sustainable approach for the whole company and to be a pioneer in our industry. 

Why sustainability? 

Signomatic's founder David and his struggle with mental illness has largely laid the foundation for our sustainability work at the company. Mainly for our work environment at Signomatic - and how important it is that employees feel good. This, together with the fact that our co-founder John has been very driven in issues related to the climate since the start. The sustainability work we do both internally and externally is something that really comes from the core of Signomatic. 

How does Signomatic work with sustainability? 

For us, it is important to integrate sustainability work throughout the business and that we as a company have a sustainable strategy. This means that we work to train our employees, work closely with our suppliers, are active in our local area in matters relating to sustainability and communicate it to our customers. 

As an overall framework for our sustainability work, we have identified four of the UN's 17 global sustainability goals that are in line with us as a company and on which we have chosen to focus more. As a manufacturing company, we want to ensure that our products, the way we work and the way we run our business are done responsibly.  

The UN Global Goals 

Good health & well-being  

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. 

Targets on which we have a special focus: 

3.4 Reduce deaths from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health 

Decent work and economic growth 

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. 

Sub-goals on which we have a special focus: 

8.4 Improve resource efficiency in consumption and production. 

Sustainable consumption & production 

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. 

Sub-targets on which we focus extra attention: 

12.4 Responsible management of chemicals and waste. 

Combating climate change 

Take immediate action to combat climate change and its consequences. 

Milestones we are focusing on in particular: 

13.A Implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. 

Our social responsibility 

We care about and respect each other, our customers and the world around us. We work both internally and externally for positive social development. Read more about our social sustainability work

Our employees 

At Signomatic, we want to ensure that every employee is happy and healthy, has a good working environment, feels safe and that there is no form of discrimination at work. The workplace is characterized by freedom under own responsibility and focus is placed on a work environment that emphasizes cooperation, community, respect and understanding. Our employees should feel a sense of belonging and inclusion regardless of gender, age, religion, ethnicity, disability or other. 

Since 2018, we have been a certified 'Great Place to Work'. This is proof that our employees are happy, feel good and have the best opportunity to do a good job. 

Hand in Hand & Mind

With the Signomatic Supports initiative, we want to take our responsibility as a company and contribute to sustainable development by supporting businesses that engage in various community and aid projects both locally and internationally. 

In 2024, we are working with Hand in Hand and Mind in two different projects. 

Hand in Hand 

Hand in Hand is a project that works to fight poverty through entrepreneurship. Signomatic is contributing money to the project, which will be based in a village in India. There, the project mainly educates and trains women and young people in running small businesses. These generate income so that they can support themselves and their families. Signomatic will also carry out small-scale activities to follow the village's journey in 2024 and will have the opportunity to visit the village and meet the entrepreneurs. 

The project aims to fight poverty, empower women, create jobs and build sustainable communities, among other things. 


Mind's mission is to promote mental wellbeing by offering compassionate support, spreading knowledge and advocacy. We must dare to talk about how we feel and create a compassionate culture. 

Our staff can volunteer to answer calls and chats with people who need to talk. This could be about anxiety, hopelessness, loneliness or suicidal thoughts. 

Our climate work 

For us, it is obvious to take our responsibility when it comes to the climate and be a pioneer in the sign industry. 

Climate statement 

We report all our emissions in our climate accounts. We follow the GHG Protocol, an international standard that focuses on companies reducing their emissions. We measure and reduce. For the emissions we cannot reduce, we compensate in certified offset projects. Read more about our climate work.  

Solar cells 

We have reduced our climate impact by 89% since 2018 by buying green energy labeled with Good Environmental Choice. We have installed solar panels on our roof that cover 32% of all our electricity consumption for both production and offices. 

Environmental benefits  

We try to travel with as little negative impact on the climate as possible, so we offer our employees a travel benefit. This includes a discounted price for traveling by public transport or a preferential bicycle. 

What do our customers think?